Monday, May 4, 2009

Where can I meet friends?

Last year I moved into a new area, many of the people are not very friendly, and it's difficult to talk to them because I have social anxiety. So I went on internet sites, I met lots of 'internet friends' however and made regular contact with them, some text me, and told me they 'loved' me. This made me excited then upset as if were case why wouldn't they meet me? I get obsessed about these people, and can't concentrate on my studying and work because I'm thinking about them. I start to get strong feelings for them, and I get more upset because they won't meet me. One person, talked to me for over a year and I found out recently this person was already in a relationship I thought I might have found a geniune friend. I stopped going on the internet but it is very complusive, and if I am not online, I will text or phone them. I am also concerned they may report me for harrasement.

Where can I meet friends?
Your Crazy. But so am I.Guess you can call me friend.
Reply:i like to go to the movies out for a walk
Reply:# 1 girl just start thinking of yourself. Then things will fall into place. If you want them too.
Reply:You can meet a lot of friends everywhere...Just be friendly and be good to the people you gonna meet...

I can be your friend :)
Reply:you gave your own answer you get obsessed that fact you still allow yourself to have strong feelings tells me you dont get it

until you meet someone face to face and talk you don't know them

try metting people in the real world

volunteer go to chruch join a group

you have to watch your obsessive behavor patterns

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